Urgh. Well, I’m back. Kinda. I must apologize if you’re seeing this site looking… pants. I was forced, perhaps through my own laziness or procrastination perhaps not, to upgrade to WordPress 1.5. I’m not normally opposed to upgrading things, but I have this sort of sneaking suspicion that when I try to import all my old posts into the new database it will, in an anthropomorphized manner, look at me strangely and then vomit all over my $14 work shoes.
So before I can start fixing the aesthetics around here, I need to work on that.
Honestly I’m thinking of making some changes anyway. The situation, in brief, is that I’m no longer the admin of the server iS is running on. Really, that’s not a bad thing. It also housed a bunch of client sites for eggsites, the company I do contract work for, and those people had to deal with me as a sysadmin which, in terms of “reliability” and “capability” meant they were settling for “a loser.” Things are better this way.
But it worked out really well for ironSoap because I could do what I wanted on the server, having root access and all. Things like cron jobs, WebDAV weirdness, multiple databases and so on. Here we’re being hosted by a (very helpful and professional) co-location company who “know what they’re doing.” To a paying customer, that’s nothing but good. To me wanting to goof around that means I gotta abide by their restrictions. It’s not the end of the world, but it ain’t Kansas anymore, you know?
I’m not sure what I could do to handle my desire for a free digital playground in light of the fact that I’m nothing but utterly relieved to have the burden of being a real sysadmin removed from my shoulders. My initial inclination is to make ironSoap more of a personal info site, you know, like a resume, portfolio, writing samples, contact info… that sort of largely static thing. Then perhaps I could hijack the old server (monolith) and stash a new site on there to keep my insipid ramblings and weird little toys like Netflix RSS feeds. I dunno. It’s a “down the road” kind of train of thought, so for now we’ll do what we can with what we have.