Series Tied

I was incredibly frustrated watching game two of the Detroit-San Jose series yeterday. Once again the Sharks came out looking very strong, took a nice lead and then went to sleep. Late in the game with around seven minutes left the Sharks got a power play and I watch it unfold with Thornton controlling the puck from his usual position and I see two other Sharks (I presume they were Cheechoo and Michalek but I couldn’t catch the jersey numbers to be sure) in front of the net… standing around.

I sat there trying not to wake Nik who was taking a nap screaming silently, “Move! MOVE! MOVE!” Thornton did the best he could to avoid the Detroit pressure but he got no help. Look, Joe is a great passer but he isn’t capable of defying the laws of physics: If there isn’t anywhere to pass, he can’t will the puck to appear on the other side of a defender. Those guys down low have got to work to make something happen.

They didn’t.

This is all after a second period where the Sharks seemed to be allergic to shooting. What did they have, three shots in twenty minutes? Not. Good. Enough.

The Sharks are better than these guys. There is no reason we couldn’t have rolled Detroit in four games. Now they have to go back to the Tank and prove that to a team that is definitely going to use their come from behind victory (and three unanswered goals) as a motivating factor. Listen, kids, it ain’t getting easier from here. So, a quick two-step plan to get back on track:

  1. Work as hard as Mike Grier. Everyone.
  2. Shoot. For pity’s sake, shoot.

Listen, Sharks, this kind of play isn’t going to cut it with me or the rest of the San Jose fans. I don’t want to roll out this ultimatum already but I’d rather do it when it can make a difference than when it is too late. You owe us.

We’ve been good. We’ve had your back through some very bad years. We sat through some pitiful hockey. We believed in underdogs when there was really no rational reason to do so, pushing you to minor, moral victories by sheer force of will against overwhelming odds. We’ve put up with disappointing years that ought to have been ours. We’ve suffered through early season slumps, late season nail-biters, pitiful playoffs and talentless early years. We’ve dreamed of against-all-odds victories.

The front office has been good to us. They gave us the tools to finally make a real run at ultimate victory… a couple of times. Don’t let this be another year of coulda-been. They call Detroit “Hockeytown,” but I think that nickname ought to be taken away. They can’t even sell out a playoff game for goodness’ sake. And don’t give me that hooey about competing sports with the Tigers being good and the Pistons and Lions: We have twice as many pro sports teams and we manage to support them all (well, except the Raiders… but let’s just call that “justified”). No, San Jose is the real Hockeytown. We love it, we love the team, we’ve been there since the miserable Cow Palace days. So forget the Gipper, forget your fat contracts, forget the personal glory.

Do it for us. No excuses, just make it happen. You can. Just go do it. Now. Stop playing around and let’s go fight Anaheim. Or Vancouver. Whomever. Point is, this series ought to be well on its way to being over by now. I don’t want drama, I want crushing, demoralizing defeat that shows those fair weather idiots in Detroit why they were justified in staying home and not wasting their time and money. So no more of this silliness. Playtime is over.

Do it for the new Hockeytown. It’s about time.


I can’t believe I forgot to mention it: How incredible was Monday night’s Heroes episode? So very worth the wait. And, if possible, next week looks even better.

Also slipping from my mind: Sharks vs. Red Wings! Hot diggity! Bring ’em.

Phase I Complete

We have officially relinquished our keys to the old apartment managers which means we’re now out of the old and in to the new.

But as anyone who has moved can attest, that is only half the battle. The ceaseless work continues as we attempt to coordinate some kind of system that results in us not beginning every single conversation with the phrase, “Have you seen…?”

Not that progress hasn’t been made: The Ikea blitz has yielded plenty of usable furniture and our bedroom is more or less furnished and probably 95% unpacked (it was mostly clothes anyway which are sort of hard to go without for very long unless you belong to some sort of commune). I also was—finally—able to get the Internets piped into the new place and the important stuff like the TV, TiVo and XBox hooked up. It wasn’t easy.

Basically it required me to spend the entire afternoon yesterday on the phone with one tech support group or another, the net result of which was heightened agitation and nothing that really qualifies as “assistance.” The calls were all variations on the following theme:

Tech: Can I get your phone number to verify your account?
Me: <gives number>
Tech: That’s not pulling up your account.
Me: Can you look it up a different way?
Tech: Not really.
Me: Oh? Not even with my name and zip code? How many ‘Paul Hamiltons’ can there be in this town?
Tech: (sighing) Okay I’ll try it.
Me: <provides information>
Tech: That still doesn’t work. While I’m trying to access your account, what seems to be the problem?
Me: I’ve followed all the instructions carefully, checked my connections and read through your support docs. Can you give me some suggestions as to what I may be doing wrong?
Tech: Did you make sure the device was plugged in?
Me: Don’t start with me.
Tech: Try power cycling.
Me: What is this? Windows?
Tech: Did you power cycle the device?
Me: (sighing) Fine. Yes, I’ve power cycled it. Still nothing.
Tech: Did you try running through the automated configuration utility?
Me: Your automated configuration utility was developed by orangutans.
Tech: You may need to try running it a few times.
Me: That’s… that’s the dumbest thing I’ve ever heard.
Tech: It’s step two in the troubleshooting process.
Me: Your processes were developed by plankton.
Tech: Are you running the utility now?
Me: (lying) Oh yeah. (tries something completely different involving manual configuration)
Tech: Did that work out for you?
Me: You know what? Nevermind. I just figured it out for myself.
Tech: I’m glad to have been of assistance!

Anyway, as with all my technical accomplishments, everything worked out in the end, but I literally have no idea what I did to get any of them to work. Which usually means that it will be fine… for now. Eventually I’ll need or want to make some kind of adjustment which will asplode the whole thing and I’ll go through the dance again until I blindly stumble on the correct combination of voodoo chants and animal sacrifices that make everything all better. Although, come to think of it, perhaps the self-inflicted misery of calling tech support is the trick, it just works differently than I expect. Perhaps I only need to suffer through the indignity of the calls in order to coax cooperation from my devices. Once they see the level of pain I’m willing to subject myself to in order for them to work, they relent. “He must really mean it,” they probably say in their cruel binary tongue.

But now that the technical work is (almost) out of the way, it’s time to get down with the real unpacking so this weekend should be fun long.

Over/Under (-rated)

One Jeffery M. Anderson over at Cinematical has posted an article listing his list of seven most overrated actors. Lists like these are basically meant to be conversation-starters at best and fluffy post-quota fodder at worst but in this case it stood out to me because it seems that Mr. Anderson has gone out of his way to pick on some admired actors just for the sake of being controversial.

I suppose part of the problem is in the basic premise: When one says an actor is overrated, whom are we to assume are rating them too highly? Casting directors? The entertainment media? Moviegoers? It is never made clear whose appreciation of these seven individuals is worthy of disdain, but from the context of the article it seems like it’s kind of a combination of all. Basically Mr. Anderson sounds like he’s saying that these actors get too much general recognition to continue to get work (high profile actors need to have some sort of intrinsic box office draw in order to command their heightened salaries I suppose).

Without exposition, here is Mr. Anderson’s list (why do I always hear/read that name with an Agent Smith inflection?):

  1. Ben Kingsley
  2. Matthew McConaughey
  3. Kate Hudson
  4. Heath Ledger
  5. Ben Stiller
  6. Tom Hanks
  7. Catherine Zeta-Jones

Now some of these are legitimately overrated actors. At the very least some of Mr. Anderson’s gripes are well founded. I haven’t seen Ben Kingsley in Ghandi which I gather was kind of his breakout role, but he does ham it up in most of the recent movies I’ve seen him in. He also seems to pick very odd projects to work on including what seems like a lot of low-rent B-grade Sci Fi pictures.

I more or less agree completely with Anderson’s evaluation of Ben Stiller who has always bugged me because, primarily, he isn’t funny and he isn’t a good straight man either. But some of these others… I wonder about.

In the case of Kate Hudson, Heath Ledger and Catherine Zeta-Jones, I question whether their star power is even sufficient to be overrated. Hudson has been in a string of forgettable and/or fairly unsuccessful romantic comedies in the last few years but other than “Skeleton Key” which was bland until the final fifteen minutes hasn’t made much of a splash since “Almost Famous.” I guess I can see Mr. Anderson’s point about that film (although I liked it pretty well, and it did decent business) but one good role that is just enough to get you a few more years worth of work isn’t the same as being overrated. Heath Ledger is likewise with the difference being that his big role was more recent (I haven’t seen and don’t plan to see “Brokeback Mountain,” but regardless of the specifics of that film, it’s impact at least on Ledger’s career ought to carry for a few more years). In any case I don’t know that he’s even done enough work yet to be considered overrated.

Catherine Zeta-Jones is an even better example of this because as far as I can tell she is a passable actor who has mostly gotten roles for her looks. Unlike Ledger or Hudson who’ve at least had one role that had people buzzing “Oscar,” I’ve never heard anything like praise about her acting chops, all I hear is how hot she is or was. Which is maybe not a quality that smacks of a great actress but clearly physical attributes are often sufficient to land a spot in a movie or two (look, Cindy Crawford got top billing in a movie, okay?). Are we really going to qualify that as overrated?

Matthew McConaughey is exactly the same as Zeta-Jones. His inherent goofy charm is enough to get him through a popcorn flick like “Sahara” or “A Time To Kill” and women seem to be forgiving enough of his acting in favor of his appearance for tripe like “Failure to Launch” and “How to Lose a Guy in 10 Days.” I’d say he more or less has the Keanu Reeves effect going for him: He’s not too good but the ladies like the look of him and for the most part he’s smart enough to stay out of the way in movies that are otherwise very good (see “Contact,” “The Matrix”).

What kills me is that Mr. Anderson throws Tom Hanks on the list. And as near as I can tell, he’s only there to rile people up. I’m not some big Tom Hanks apologist: As far as I’m concerned he’s a good actor who has managed and navigated his career exceptionally well. Plus he connects with audiences and seems like a legitimately decent guy offscreen which gives the general moviegoing crowd a sense that they can root for this guy without feeling bad about it. It’s okay that he’s nominated for a lot of Oscars because (true or not) he gives the sense that he won’t really let it go to his head.

But for Mr. Anderson to pick on him for not sticking with his comedic roots is absurd. Now, I freely admit that I’m no great fan of movie comedies. I’m such a stickler for stories that I feel like feature length comedies are constantly at odds with the format: In order for it to be really funny it has to be gag-a-minute, but that comes at the expense of plot and I cannot abide a movie—of any genre—that is bereft of plot. Call me what you will, I think scripted comedies work far better in shorter formats like TV. Or, I much prefer a subtler form of cinematic comedy like “Shaun of the Dead,” “Best in Show” and “Wag the Dog.” But back to Tom Hanks, suggesting that utter crap like “Splash” or “Bachelor Party” can hold a candle to “Forrest Gump” or even “Toy Story” is like admitting to a mental illness. Please.

The irony is the article ran next to an advertisement for the upcoming movie “Next” starring…

Nicholas Cage and Julianne Moore.

I’m just sayin’. Ironic.


I’ll be keeping an eye on tonight’s Dallas/Vancouver game (the last one in the first round from the only series to go seven games) because it will directly determine who the Sharks play in round two.

Basically, with Detroit taking care of the Flames yesterday, if Dallas Vancouver wins tonight the Sharks play The Red Wings in round two; otherwise they get Anaheim. Neither team is likely to make round two particularly easy on San Jose, but I think I’d prefer to play Detroit and let Vancouver have a crack at eliminating the Ducks. As strong as Detroit is, they gave Calgary a chance to win or at least make the series more interesting than it was so I think the Sharks can exploit some of that. The Ducks/Sharks games in the regular season were exciting but I felt too often that the Sharks came up short against them and I’d prefer to have an extra round for Ron Wilson to iron out some of the Power Play issues they had against Nashville before we have to face the hated SoCal squad. Plus, assuming the Sharks can get past Detroit and the Ducks can handle Vancouver, how great would the conference finals be if it were Sharks vs. Ducks?

Meanwhile over in the East it’s going to be Ottawa vs. New Jersey and the Rangers against the Sabres. Interestingly, if Vancouver can’t pull it together tonight that will make the Senators the only Canadian team left in the hunt for the Cup. The Sens handled the Penguins pretty adroitly but then again, the Pens weren’t even supposed to make the Playoffs this year. The dangerous Lightning proved that you can beat Martin Brodeur (they scored 14 goals against him in six games) but it seems like their netminding wasn’t up to the task (Holmqvist’s 18 goals allowed is tied for the most in the playoffs). The question there is going to be if perennial playoff busts Ottawa can ride their momentum through the Garden State. They certainly outplayed Pittsburgh, but it probably would have meant a meltdown of epic proportions for them to not come out on top in that series. New Jersey is likely to be their first legitimate challenge.

As for the NY matchup, it’s kind of tough to say. I’m inclined to give the advantage to the Sabres despite the Rangers’ strong sweep of Atlanta… mostly because the 4-0 series final doesn’t really do justice to how badly the Thrashers played. Not that the Rangers were slouches, but as with Ottawa, this is probably going to be the first real round of playoff hockey they have to face and I suspect that Buffalo is pretty hungry to move forward.

At least for now I’m thinking San Jose vs. Anaheim and Buffalo vs. New Jersey in round three. In the west, anything else will be a huge disappointment and in the east it really could go any direction. But honestly, as much as I want the Sharks to take home the Stanley Cup, I think that any Ducks/Sharks matchup will be more or less the series to watch in all of the playoffs. As long as they outlast the Ducks, I’ll at least be content—if not completely satisfied.

Slow Transition

I know I haven’t been too forthcoming with the posts; my time has been monopolized by our month-long move from the old apartment to the new condo. Or townhouse. The consensus seems to be a bit fuzzy on what the classification of the new place should actually be. Regardless, we’ve had some stuff to do.

Friday Nik and I made the hour-and-a-half trek to the nearest Ikea to spend the smaller of our two tax return checks on some new stuff. We picked out a bedframe, nightstands, a sofa and matching chair, a dresser and a new desk for the computer room. Of course when we got to the warehouse the sofa wasn’t in stock and we were told they would be getting three more in the next morning on a first come, first served basis. Also a pivotal piece for the bedframe was also temporarily out of stock so we got everything else and I steeled myself for an early Saturday morning.

For once in my life I was actually on time and I arrived at Ikea expecting a parents-at-Christmas style rush for the three available sofas, possibly involving fisticuffs or at the very least, a few German suplexes. Instead I was the only person in the warehouse since the rest of the earlybird shoppers hadn’t been there marking their shopping cards with Aisle and Bin numbers twelve hours prior.

Somehow I managed to muscle the couch into my truck on my own and since it decided to rain on what I had been hoping would be the Ultimate Moving Day in this lengthy process, I had to cover it with several tarps. Actually the couch transition went down pretty smoothly, but they still didn’t have the part of the bed we needed so I’m planning one last trip today after work in hopes that I can get all this money spending out of the way.

The couch is kind of a deep plumb color that looks brown in most artificial light, a fact that I think dismays Nik a little because she was hoping for more with the brown and less with the red. Personally I think they look pretty cool either way. Compared to the green/nasty-yellow-stuffing colored horror show we call a sitting device now, it’s practically a work of art.

We did come to one key determination with all this Ikea assembly work in our present and future: Electric screwdrivers or drills are mandatory. The angry red blisters on my hands are evidence enough, and those came from putting half the desk together. We tried to cheap out on the mechanical assistance with a little $5 battery-operated number, but it scarcely has enough torque to put a hole in drywall, much less offer the kind of power necessary to put a load-bearing bolt in place. If I wasn’t so cheap and resistant to buying things I don’t actively desire, I’d just go buy a real electric drill. Now that I have a garage you’d think these kinds of things might leap closer to the top of my list, but no.

In any case, most of what remains is little stuff like a few dining room chairs and some computer equipment plus everything that we’re getting ready to throw away. Besides that there are a couple of items I can’t physically handle by myself like the TV and the desk that used to hold the computer but will now be out in the garage serving as my workbench, plus our mattress which we can’t really move until we get the bedframe.

Well, technically we could move it and complete our living transition to the new place, but Nik is reluctant to sleep in the new condo alone so I’ll probably wait until Wednesday afternoon to drag that over. Ideally that will give me time to put the frame together anyway so we don’t have to sleep on the mattress just lying on the floor.

I have to say that despite it feeling at times very epic or unending, the slow move has been one of the least overall stressful that I’ve ever undertaken. Having the month overlap has given us a very welcome ability to select the pace and also allowed me to get as much as possible done without having to request anyone else’s help. Considering that Nik has well chronicled back issues and now HB is having severe back problems probably stemming from a recent car accident, that has been a big relief from my mind. I do have Doza stopping by on Friday to give me a hand with those few items I mentioned, but I’m hoping his role won’t have to last more than an hour or two.

Quick Playoff Note

I did get a chance to catch the first two Sharks playoff games in Nashville and I wanted to make a couple of comments. First, the Sharks broadcasters were pretty riled up about Nashville’s apparent game plan to take key Sharks personnel out of the equation by any means necessary. Granted, Nashville has been pretty cheap in a lot of their shots but for all the hubub, I gotta say, I don’t think that’s their problem.

The problem is that they just haven’t played that well in either game. That they came out of Nashville with a split is pretty miraculous—they looked like they were trying very hard during the game one overtime to lose that match. The second game they pretty much got what they deserved and the fight at the end was not a make-up for their uninspired play throughout. Look, when you get a five minute major power play and then a 5-on-3 and you give up a shorthanded goal and don’t score you deserve to lose. And it mostly comes back to the same things that have plagued the team during every one of their slumps and losses all season: They don’t clear the zone when they have the chance to, they can’t hold the offensive zone when they start getting a rhythm down and they try to be too cute with the passing instead of shooting the stupid puck. I concede that they’ve been playing reasonably physical hockey, but Nashville is out there playing insanely physical hockey that borders on dirty, which is exactly what Edmonton did to them last year.

The second thing is that the Sharks need to stop messing around with these guys. There is absolutely no reason why they can’t mop the floor with the Predators. They’re plainly a better team, even with Forsberg playing for Nashville. But they need to act like they’re actually in the playoffs and that means Nabby or whomever has to stop every lame little shot, the D needs to stop scrambling and trying those loathed backhand clear attempts and the offense has to pepper Vokoun with 50 shots per game and prove that they deserved the title of 2nd best power play in the NHL. We’ll see how they far at home tonight, but it had better be a dominating performance or I don’t see them making it past the second round, if they can even get that far.

I Still Don’t Get It

I went through and rented season five of 24. I mentioned a few of the problems I have with the show a while back and my dad has comically commented on the show as well.

But watching season five, a couple of new things struck me.

  • Jack Bauer has now been accused of trying to assassinate David Palmer (Dennis Haysbert) something like twenty times. Wouldn’t someone, somewhere down the line go, “You know, we figured out that he didn’t do it the first nineteen times, maybe—just maybe—he didn’t do it again?”
  • Likewise, Jack is perpetually accused of something nefarious and sinister and conspiratorial. Yet, the only things that ever stick are when Jack does something that he tells everyone he’s going to do, appended by the phrase, “We don’t have any other choice.” The Chinese embassy thing from season four, for example. I think it should be amended into the CTU charter that Jack is innocent of everything he’s accused of doing in secret but guilty of doing everything he tells everyone he’s going to do.
  • And the final thought along those lines, why hasn’t anyone ever said, “Hey, I got an idea: Let’s trust Jack. This is what he does, and it always works out eventually“? Chloe did have a fairly amusing line near the beginning of season five where she reassured someone “He’s really good at this,” but then even she spent the rest of the season asking Jack why he wanted what he was asking for and why she should be the one to do it. He’s got to be the most second-guessed person in history. Well, other than GWB maybe. But, you know, at least history is not on Bush’s side.
  • Speaking of Chloe, I’m not quite clear on why it is that she always says something will take way too long to decrypt and Jack says, “Just do it,” and three minutes later she has it decrypted. What exactly is her metric for “impossible” decryptions?
  • Also on the Chloe topic, I am aware that the actress (Mary Lynn Rajskub) is something of a geek sex symbol, I guess because she plays a super nerd on TV and she’s female. I actually have a hard time seeing the attraction because she’s always struck me as a little tough to look at, but it turns out she’s about 200x better looking when she actually smiles. And in all fairness, she’s never really called on to do that in the show.
  • One sequence that didn’t particularly make sense to me during season five was when the “first layer” conspiracy was being unveiled and presidential advisor Walt Cummings revealed to President Logan that he was involved in the terrorist activity to secure oil interests in central Asia, etc, etc. Later in the season (spoiler alert) we find that President Logan was also involved in the conspiracy at an even higher level. So why, during that first private meeting with Cummings, didn’t Logan just say, “Oh, sweet! We’re both doing this together! Awesome, that will make this a lot easier”? Instead he puts on this big show of being repulsed and then “slyly” concedes to Cummings wishes to maintain his cover.
  • Then again, I finally figured out after five seasons that the show is really enjoyable just so long as you don’t think too hard about it. Once you start trying to make actual sense out of what’s going on, it becomes obvious that the whole thing is preposterous.
  • Is it just me, or did they sort of forget to deal with the question that was pretty central to the set up for the whole of season five: Who else knew Jack was still alive?
  • One thing I did appreciate about the fifth “day” was that they seemed to tone down the gnarly torture scenes. It’s not so much that I’m squeamish about it; I just felt like earlier seasons had too much of Jack—our supposed protagonist—casually inflicting massive pain on people like it was some heroic deed. It made him seem almost reprehensible and difficult to root for. This time around I felt like he was actually a hero for the most part. Even when he shot Peter Weller’s wife in the leg, at least I understood what his motivation was and it wasn’t some prolonged sequence. Sure, they used the magical pain injection a few times at CTU, but for some reason that seems better than watching some guy get a drill bit ground into his shoulder or whatever.

The Great Stereo Catastrophe

Back in October, for Nik’s birthday, I bought some car audio equipment from an online retailer who shall remain nameless, except for the sake of the tale we’ll provide them with the pseudonym “Dutchfield.” At the time the gear I bought, a head unit from Pioneer plus a box to enable Sirius satellite radio and an iPod adapter, was good and available for a good price. HB offered his expertise and copious car-related tools to help get it installed and the end result was quite satisfactory.

It was due to this success that when December rolled around and Christmas loomed that I went back to the retailer to acquire additional components for Nik’s car. In this case she was asking for additional “oomph” to the sound so after doing several days worth of research I felt confident in buying an amplifier and a subwoofer. The amp was a relatively inexpensive model but well-reviewed on the site and the bass speakers came in a box with two ten inch subs. Plenty of bass goodness seemed available and my thought was that eventually the amp could be connected to a new set of aftermarket speakers to complete the package. But speakers can run pretty pricey for a complete set of four (they are almost always sold in pairs and Nik’s Civic has two front door speakers and two rear deck speakers that require upgrading).

The piecemeal approach seemed to fit both my budget and the requirements Nik had for her system.

Initially I thought about imploring HB to help again, but when I researched amp installations a bit it became obvious that installing an amp cleanly often requires either removing parts of the car that I didn’t feel comfortable ripping out or trying to install into places that aren’t terribly convenient. To avoid the hassle and potential damage to the car, I made a few calls to some local car audio installers to get pricing.

The first thing I noticed during these calls was that each person I spoke to asked similar questions—not about the locations of the installed components as was my expectation but much more so about the type and brand of the equipment. Eventually someone said they would take a look at everything but it sounded to them like the amp I had would not work with the subwoofer.

This confused me so I immediately called Dutchfield and asked to speak to one of their product advisors. I spoke to a very nice fellow who evaluated my order and confirmed that yes, what I had was at best unusual and at worst not what I was hoping for. He suggested that two ten inch, powered subwoofers paired with stock speakers powered by nothing but the head unit would result in thundering, window-rattling, richter scale-moving bass… and very little else. He performed a small demonstration of what this might mean.

Dutchfield representative: “So you know how normally a song like ‘Smoke on the Water’ goes: duhn dhun duuuun, duhn duhn da-nuuuhn! Duhn duhn duuuun, duh-nuuuuuhn!”
Me: “Yes.”
Dutchfield representative: “If you put in that sub, it would sound like: Booom. Booom, boooom. Boooom boom buh-booooom!”
Me: “That’s not what I want.”

We spoke for another hour or more debating the relative merits of other equipment options. He was very considerate and patient and in the end I felt more comfortable with my understanding of car stereo components and told him I just needed to check with my wife to confirm what she wanted and I’d contact him directly to set up the order.

When I spoke to Nik, whe was mildly annoyed that the delay meant her stereo would not be ready for a bit longer, but she agreed that the thundering bass-only sound was not what she had in mind. So I arranged to have the subwoofer sent back for a refund and implored Nik to look over some of the aftermarket speaker options the rep had suggested and pick which ones she liked best. The rep had been very specific and said that the Civic had something called component speakers in the front which separate the highs from the rest of the signal with a small secondary cone called a tweeter which sits higher up on the door panel than the rest. Component speakers are pricier than regular speakers and are also more difficult to install since they typically don’t fit the stock tweeter panel holes right out of the box.

The only problem with this was that I couldn’t find the tweeters in the Civic. I know I have them in my truck, I can see them clearly. But I figured they must be hidden in the Civic in some clever Japanese tweeter-camouflage location. My recourse was to simply call the Honda dealership and ask politely where they were hidden in my car.

But sadly the call to Honda introduced more confusion into the mix. When I called them they checked my model number and the available stock parts list again and again, trying to prove that they and I weren’t crazy. To no avail: It turns out that our particular model of Civic does not come with component speakers of any kind. There are certain higher end Civic models that do, but not ours. So I tried to call the rep back with this information to clear the problem up. I got voicemail. I got voicemail a lot. I tried weekly for three or four weeks to get hold of my guy at Dutchfield, but each time I left a message requesting a call back and got nothing. Finally Nik was getting frustrated and demanded that I make some progress on the Christmas present which was now threatening to be more akin to a Valentine’s Day present, so I gave up on the direct extention and called the main number to talk to whomever might answer the phone.

The representative I spoke with indicated that contrary to my operating theory, the earlier guy had not been fired. He, of course, was not working that day, but the new rep would be happy to assist me in any way he could. I calmly explained that something must be wrong with their database because they seemed to think that all Civics had the same type of stock speakers and that was not the case. I also explained that I needed to order some speakers that would work in my car and I needed them sent out pronto.

There were two sets of speakers that I was waffling between when it came time to make the actual order: One set was a pricey pair of Blaupunkt speakers and the other was a cheaper (but still not what I would call “cheap”) pair of Polk Audio speakers on special. Both were rated and reviewed well and were supposed to be compatible with the car and the amp I had purchased previously. Initially the Dutchfield rep talked me into the more expensive Blaupunkts but realized at the last minute that they were too deep to fit into the door wells, they only worked on the back deck. It seemed like that would actually work because the Polks fit into the doors so I got one set of each: Blaupunkt for the back and Polk for the doors. Done and done. They also indicated that I’d need lots of wiring harnesses, speaker wire and other peripherals to make the installation happen, a fact that had been confirmed previously by the installation places I’d called. So I had them add all that to the now remarkably significant bill and ship it. I figured the somewhat elevated cost would maybe make up for the time it was taking to get Nik’s Christmas present fixed up.

It didn’t take long for the stuff to arrive from Dutchfield, but of course once it did I procrastinated for a week or so before Nik got grouchy and sort of kicked me into gear. I called a bunch of the same installers and told them I needed an updated quote because I was no longer doing the subwoofer, but was instead interested in getting four speakers and an amp installed. Yes, I had all the wires and everything I’d need. Today, if possible.

Eventually I kind of arbitrarily settled on a local place, also nameless except the indecipherable code name “Dustom Audio Sounds” who got the business because another place (a slightly cheaper place) bumped my appointment to make room for a friend.

When I entered Dustom, the first thing I noticed was the manager’s distracted demeanor. He had a plasma TV mounted on the wall opposite the front desk and every time I spoke with him he seemed to be far more interested in whatever bullriding tournament or BET reality show was on than in actually assisting customers. But, I figured, it hardly mattered. What I was asking for must be so common, so typical that they refer to it via shorthand, something like “Hey, this guy wants a #3.” Like ordering a value meal. Replace speakers, add an amp: Cake. Right?

I spent that afternoon wandering around downtown, amusing myself as best I could considering I had no transportation other than my own two legs and there isn’t much to actually do downtown unless you’re really into getting your hair cut. Our downtown features the following attractions: One Subway chain restaurant; one coffee shop that closes at 3:00 pm every day; One deli that closes at 4:00 pm every day except weekends when it closes at 1:00 pm; one music store staffed by angsty-looking teenagers who respond to questions like “Do you have guitar strings” with blank stares as though they were really employees of the coffee shop next door but had simply gotten lost and put on the wrong name tag; and 4,623 hair salons, barbershops, day spas and manicure/pedicure specialty salons.

When I got back to the shop they took my money and showed me the car. It sounded sublime: Clear and very loud. I allowed myself a satisfied sigh: Maybe I was a couple of months late, and maybe I even missed Valentine’s Day (not that I stiffed Nik out of a V-Day present, I just didn’t get this overdue gift squared away in time for that, either), but by gum it was done. Mission accomplished.

I drove the ten minutes home enjoying the fruits of my labor. When Nik arrived home shortly after I excitedly ushered her downstairs to check out the new gear. She listened with a grin on her face for a few minutes, nodding along to the tune. Suddenly her smile faltered. “What’s that noise?” she asked. I listened closely.

“I don’t hear anything.”

“You don’t hear that little popping sound?” she insisted.

“No,” I said. She let it drop.

A few hours later we piled into the car to go somewhere and turned on the radio. Suddenly there was an unmistakable pop and suddenly the music cut out, replaced by an electronic hum. The hum changed pitch when the accelerator was pressed. I groaned. Nik fumed. I promised to get it looked at as soon as possible.

It turned out that as soon as possible was a couple of days later and I went back to Dustom Audio to find out what the problem was. I politely explained the situation and asked that they take a look. I watched as a technician crawled around in the trunk, fiddling with this or that wire on the amp, pulling off the door panel, popping out the head unit mounting bracket. Finally he called me over and pulled out the driver’s side speaker. “This is blown,” he said dryly. I asked how that could happen and he said, “These speakers are no good. I’ve never had anything but problems with them, they’re really cheap.”

You have to understand that while those speakers weren’t top of the line (not like the ones I’d purchased for the rear deck), they weren’t by any stretch of my imagination “cheap.” Shoddy, perhaps, but not cheap. I asked what the tech recommend I do and he said he’d get some better speakers in there. He just happened to have a couple of pairs in the shop that he recommended. Naturally.

I got on the phone with Dutchfield right away. I tried to remain calm, but I was pretty steamed. I explained that I had gone over and over the configuration with the previous product tech and I had been assured that the speakers would not be in danger of being blown. The customer service rep danced around the issue, alternating his story from “that shouldn’t have happened unless they were installed wrong” to “you have to break in a pair of speakers connected to an amp by leaving the gain down low and gradually increasing it over the course of a few weeks.” I told him that it had been professionally installed, so he stuck with the break-in period line for the rest of the call. Eventually I asked if I could get a refund since they’d sent me crummy merchandise. He said he guessed he could do that.

At that point I had to decide what to do with the current configuration. As it was the driver’s side front speaker had blown and was already removed from the car. In order to send them back I had to pay the installer to remove the other front speaker. I called Nik and tried to explain. She was agitated and indicated that it didn’t matter, I just needed to fix it. I told the installer to simply disconnect the front speakers while I tried to figure out what to do. I drove home with only the back speakers working, which sounds more or less like listening to the radio from someone else’s car while you’re driving.

The speakers stayed this way for almost two weeks. Finally Nik was flat angry. She demanded that I stop messing around with her now almost St. Patrick’s Day gift and get it working. I decided to pay one more visit to Dustom Audio and see what the story was. They had offered to sell me those two good speakers, right? I’d just buy those to replace the bogus Polks. So I dropped off the car and Nik and I went to have lunch. When we got back the manager informed me—eyes never leaving the plasma screen showing NASCAR reruns—that the real problem was not just the speakers but the amp as well, which had since my last visit blown up one of the rear speakers. How did I want to proceed?

Completely frustrated, I called Dutchfield and told them I wanted to send it all back. Every bit of it. They expressed regret, and they provided me with a return order. I asked Dustom Audio how much it would cost for them to pull all the Dutchfield gear out of the car. They said they’d do it for $40. I was all set to have them go for it when Nik indicated that there was no way she was going to be completely without speakers for any length of time. Lacking any real options beyond that, I simply went and picked up the car, now operating with a single rear speaker. Nik was hostile.

We tolerated the single speaker for a solid week. During this time Nik related her tale of woe to HB, who suggested that instead of dealing with some nobodies I found in the phonebook that I should go to the place he had worked with on his truck, Car Audio Depot. So on my first day off last weekend I called them up and told them the nutshell version of my story. They said, “bring it in, we’ll take a look.”

Here is what I learned from my visit to Car Audio Depot:

  • The amp was not a good match for what I was trying to accomplish. This had been suggested in not so many words by Dustom Audio, but never fully explained. Dutchfield had assured me the amp was fine.
  • The speakers were both brand name and shouldn’t have blown. This had been Dutchfield’s position, disputed by Dustom Audio.
  • The initial installation of the amp and speakers was horrendous. It was so bad some of the cables were shorting and could have posed a fire hazard if left unchecked.
  • To fully replace everything that Dutchfield and Dustom Audio had done with new equipment and new installation would cost almost twice as much as what I had already paid.
  • Even just returning to a stock configuration (no amp, re-install the stock speakers) would cost almost as much as the speakers themselves.
  • Reputable car audio suppliers are hard to find. Car Audio Depot says that something like 25% of their business comes from fixing things that other people screwed up.

So. Needless to day, I was a touch displeased. I ended up having Car Audio Depot pull all the Dutchfield stuff out, undoing the miserable work Dustom Audio had done. I had CAD install four new speakers but no amp. The sound quality is better than with the stock speakers, and louder, but not exactly as mighty as I was originally hoping for.

Everything I ordered from Dutchfield is going back. Everything. I’m getting a refund. Dustom Audio is getting the lowest possible recommendation and is getting the negative review treatment to everyone I meet who might possibly consider employing their services. I already had one friend mention that he needed to get some work done on the sound system in his new boat and I warned him away from Dustom with the harshest possible prophecy of doom and despair should my advice go unheeded. They will never get another dime nor another good word from me.

Perhaps when the refund has been applied to my account I will return to Car Audio Depot (assuming their work holds up, because I’m that pessimistic about the whole industry at this point) to get some of the other components added. It may depend on how fresh the wounds still are when that time comes. But one thing is for sure, unequivocally.

Next year, I’m buying Nikki jewelery.

On the Move

Remember how I mentioned that we were trying to save some money for things like house purchases and whatnot? Well, quicker than even we anticipated, developments have… er, developed.

It seems that by the end of April we will be occupying a brand new (that is, never been lived-in) condo just up the street from our current digs. It seems kind of odd, I suppose, to mention houses and then days later find yourself on the verge of once again renting something that is decidedly not a house. But it makes sense, I swear.

Part of our wishy-washy talks of moves that coincided with my new job was the element of housing price versus commute. Specifically, we pay a pretty low rent (for California and especially for Bay Area-accessible California) right now. However, I commute for about 120 miles round trip four days a week so at first we thought the obvious thing was to move closer to where I work. The problem is that places that are very close to my work are either prohibitively expensive or, for those places we looked that were in our price range, shabby and potentially usafe.

There are places in between, but the price issue becomes a bigger factor there; many of the more eastern bedroom communities are nice and relatively safe but likewise demand higher rents. The tradeoff between the increased housing costs and the commute relief was generally a wash at best.

Now there are a couple of things that we looked at as sub-motivating factors. Things like the fact that in our seven-plus years of marriage we have had our own washer and dryer exactly once, for less than a year. Also, our rent is unlikely to stay as reasonable as it is now for much longer, especially since the complex has decided to move to a for-sale model sometime in the next year or so and while our apartment is nice enough, there is no way I would ever actually want to own it. There are a couple other minor considerations such as the atrocious parking situation and the fact that one of the buildings blew up not so long ago. You know, that kind of thing.

But with the pricing and the timing and everything else, it seemed like it was never going to quite work the way we hoped. So we more or less gave up and decided we’d stay as long as we could and hopefully find a way to save up and maybe buy something old or in need of many repairs.

As is so often the case, once we stopped looking the answer sort of fell into our laps. I happened to drive by one of those dancing sign people waving an oversized arrow that pointed at some condos down a street a block or two up the road from our complex that I never would have considered investigating for that kind of housing. I mentioned it to Nik and we had a little time to kill on Saturday afternoon so we drove by to check it out.

It turns out the condos are brand new and they’re trying to get them all leased out by the middle of April. It was a hurried time table, especially for what we were looking for, but we toured a couple of the units and found them to be really nice. We discussed it a bit and agreed to go home, fill out the online application, talk about it, sleep on it and return the next afternoon with a deposit assuming we hadn’t changed our minds or there were no problems with our application. Which is exactly what we did and the next day we were still a go although Nik had begun debating our initial thought of going with the three-story, three bedroom model for the smaller two-story two bedroom. After a couple more tours we decided on the two bedroom, and handed over the holding deposit.

Maybe you’re asking why I’d move from a two bedroom, two bathroom apartment to a two bedroom one and a half bathroom condo? Here’s why: For one thing, the place is new. Our apartment is probably twenty years old and despite a couple of renovations, it pretty much feels twenty years old. The condo also has more square footage, by a little bit. Another thing is that the condo doesn’t share a ceiling with anyone else. Two walls I can handle, but I don’t really care for tiptoeing around or dealing with the bowling-alley fun of being the downstairs tenant. The condo also comes with brand new appliances and allows interior decorating that includes the option to paint the walls. I’ve been staring at white walls for seven and a half years now while I watch my friends and family members do marvelous things with their rooms. I’ve even helped them in some cases. Well, I want a piece of that action.

Oh, and there is one other little thing. The condo has a garage. Did you catch that? I’m about to have a garage. This is big for me. Huge.

On top of all the amenities and so forth, the other positive factors are that the new place is offering a special that gives you the first month rent-free. Since we’re making the move on fairly short notice it works out that we can have two places through the end of April. We’d have to give 30 days notice at our place now and pay for April’s rent anyway, but since we’re not being charged for April at the condo place we wind up basically having a month to move in, at our leisure. And once we do start paying rent on the condo, it’s less than two hundred dollar more than we pay now. Dude, I would pay $200 just to have the garage.

And then there’s the small matter of the flexibility and opportunity the condo affords us. See it turns out the owner really wanted to sell the condos. But he had the misfortune of having the development complete during one of the crappiest housing markets in years. From what I gather, everyone bought houses back a couple years ago when the interest rates were ideal and now they aren’t selling that well. To compensate, the owner decided to rent the condos for a year or two and then offer them for sale to the tenants (hopefully when the housing market is better; one thing about California, you can pretty much count on housing markets to improve eventually). But they’re also offering a sort of retroactive rent-to-own plan where a percentage of the rent you’ve already paid for that year or two will be set aside and used as part of the offer for the condo purchase. And of course it will be optional at that time.

What that means for us is that our rent won’t necessarily be wasted money, which is a concept I can completely get behind. It also means that even if it doesn’t work out, it’s not a big deal since we’re technically just doing what we’ve always done. And if it does work, we end up getting what we had almost given up hope of ever having which is something tangible that we could hopefully leverage into something bigger down the road as needs warrant.

In any case, I’m pretty excited. I know it doesn’t much address the commute issue but honestly I’ve been doing it for three or four months now and it isn’t so bad, especially with my current schedule. If there is one positive thing about the grave shifts, it’s the smooth, traffic-less drive. Besides, at this point I might as well concede that this town is where we live and while not without its flaws, it has friends and family and a certain familiarity that make it perfectly tolerable.

As a second part of our busy day we also got our taxes done. Whether good or bad, we were pleasantly surprised by how much our returns are this year. I suppose that means our W4s aren’t as optimally configured as they could be but what is done is done so now it looks like we’ll be able to do some of the furniture swapping as part of the move and still have a nice chunk to put into savings as well. The key is going to be avoiding the temptation to buy the biggest HDTV you’ve ever seen instead of stuff like a couch that doesn’t cause active humiliation whenever other humans are forced to set eyes (or worse, posteriors) upon it, but I’m sure Nik and her icy stare will help sidestep that landmine.

In fact the only bad news I can even think of is that I guess the staircase is too small to allow one to maneuver a queen-sized box spring up the stairs so you have to have one of those split boxes instead, and from what I understand they aren’t all that cheap. Granted, the one we currently have has been frustratingly used by the cat as a secondary scratching post as we’ve operated without an actual bed frame for three or more years now which puts the box spring in easy access of Dixie’s claws, but it’s hardly something I’d replace if given the choice.

This pending move has also brought about an even greater intensity with the big “stuff we no longer need” fire sale. This includes a few items added to the list:

  • Computer desk. For those who’ve been to our place, this is the big black desk with hanging file cabinet, roll-out keyboard tray and overhead bookshelf. We’re going to trade down to a smaller computer desk since I no longer have or use sixteen computers simultaneously therefore the behemoth is not needed. If you’re interested, I have a truck and will just haul it to the dumps unless someone wants it so it’s going for free, and I’ll bring it to you assuming you don’t live in Utah or something. If you haven’t seen it, I should mention that it currently has a bunch of really geeky Linux stickers and junk plastered all over it, but I can try to remove them or paint over them if that’s going to be a problem.
  • Entertainment center. We have a new TV stand in the living room and the old one (which was a gift from HB) probably won’t make the move with us. I kind of doubt HB wants it back so if I can pass it along, I’d be happy to. Same deal applies: I’ll bring it to you gratis if you just say the word. It’s possible HB would rather have it back than see it junked, but he gave it to me free so it would just be wrong to try and make a buck off it.
  • Microwave oven. We have a white GE microwave in perfect working condition but the new place comes with an over-the-counter one included so we have no use for the standalone. If you want it, lemme know. Microwaves are pretty cheap so I’ll just give it to ya, but if you want it delivered (it fits in a Civic, I mean… how lazy are you?), I’ll do it for the gas money.
  • Green leather sofa. Hahahahahahahaha! Just kidding. I wouldn’t inflict that thing on my worst enemy.

Oh, and since we get to move in fairly leisurely over the course of a month, we probably won’t need to even rent a truck much less beg our friends to waste a whole Saturday on manual labor.

Ah Yes Indeed It’s Fun Time

I haven’t posted many link-fests in a while. Now I will rectify that.

  • You may have seen some of these court transcript excerpts before, but they’re still funny.
  • Kind of a fun diversion cataloging 80s food. I think some of the submitters miss the point (Corn Nuts? How are those “80s” exactly?) but they do mention Chocolate Payday candy bars, which merits a link on its own. I would literally pay up to $10 for a fresh one of those today.
  • I’m sure this BBC article about US fascination with British accents is true, but count me among those who think English accents of any kind are just as cool as can be.
  • At this point I’m pretty much just counting down the minutes until I get out of here so I can go home and download Castlevania: Symphony of the Night. I’ve wanted to play this game for so long.
  • Are they taking recommendations? Because I vote for Niki/Jessica and Nathan. Just sayin’.

Spring Clean Fire Sale

Nik and I have spent some time recently examining our finances and preparing a plan for future spending and, more importantly, saving in an effort to prepare for some down-the-road life events. You know, buying an actual house and that sort of thing.

Part of this plan involves a pretty strict budget and a pre-agreed-upon set of major purchases for things we need (or actually have needed for quite some time, like a sofa that isn’t a continuous source of humiliation and bedroom furniture that isn’t broken or nearly useless) so as to avoid putting them off indefinitely. Of course that means less money on hand to purchase things that aren’t as pressing but arguably more fun to buy. I mean, for me the choice between sofa aesthetics and HDTV is really no choice at all but I recognize that our current television set is perfectly serviceable while our couch isn’t.

However, I’ve got a hankering for some equipment that isn’t included in the plans for a purpose I’ll reveal later and my only thought for affording it requires getting rid of some stuff I’m not using or don’t really want. Now, I know I’ve tried to offer stuff for sale here before to little response but since my audience is comprised almost entirely from friends and family members, I thought I’d give you a last chance to claim any of my stuff before I hunker down on eBay and try to accumulate some un-earmarked cash.

If any of this interests you, please let me know by emailing me any point before the auction starts. I plan to start listing things one at a time beginning this weekend. Everything here is first come/best offer and if you help me avoid an eBay listing I’ll ship it free assuming the shipping costs don’t eclipse the offered price.

  • Comic Book Collection. I have hundreds of old comic books including lots of Iron Man, X-Men and Batman books. I’ve read them all several times over and they’re just taking up space at this point. Practically all of them are in good condition and have been kept in bags with cardboard to preserve the condition as best I could. I have a list I can dig up that catalogs the whole collection and I’ve estimated the value at somewhere north of $700, although I’ll pretty much take what I can get for them. It would be a pretty good gift for a budding geeklet/comic collector.
  • iBook. My laptop is showing its age especially for the kinds of things I need it for like Photoshop and Final Cut. Also, it has a problem with the sleep feature which seems to cause the display to freak out more often than not which requires a cold reboot. I haven’t investigated how much repairs would cost but I’m guessing not that much since the display still works it just gets goofy sometimes. It’s probably a wire that gets pinched when the lid is closed. In any case, it’s a G4 PowerPC 944 MHz that has maxed out RAM (I think something odd like 640 MB) and even without repairs would probably work great with an external monitor as a nice intro machine to the world of OS X (I’ll include a fresh install of 10.4). Similar items on eBay seem to go for around $500.
  • GameCube. It’s a nice system but I’ve played all the games for it that I was interested in and it’s just hogging room in the entertainment unit. I have a few games I’ll toss in as well including Zelda: Twilight Princess (which lots of people love but I didn’t care for) and I have a WaveBird wireless controller. Similar packages go for around $50 on eBay.
  • Dreamcast. Yeah, I still have my Dreamcast. There are some really excellent games for this system that you can find really cheap so if you’re into the whole bargain gaming thing and don’t mind being several years behind the curve, it could offer some good times. People ask for around $50-60 on eBay; that’s too much in my opinion, but whatever. It’s your offer.
  • Warhammer 40K Chaos Space Marines Army (Partially Painted). Okay, okay, this is a tough one. On one hand, I don’t want to give it up because, well, it’s cool and I put a lot of time and money into it. But several forces have conspired to make my time and desire for the game wane so I’m willing to entertain offers for it. This is a massive army (2,750 points worth at least, if you’re already familiar with the game rules) and while I confess the quality of some of the painting shows my learning curve, it is probably only in need of 6-8 hours worth of work to be tournament-ready and maybe twice that if you want to touch them up and make them look really nice (assuming you stick with the original palette). I’ve done some stripping before and it isn’t that hard if you wanted to start over. The thing is, I don’t want this to go bit by bit, it’s gotta be the whole enchilada. But I will throw in the Codex ($20-25 in stores) and some sample army lists I made plus the base color paints I special ordered from the UK because no one in the US makes the color anymore (grr). If you bought all this stuff retail it would be worth well over $1,000. Lesser pre-painted armies go on eBay for $600 or more. I won’t even indicate what would strike me as reasonable, it kind of depends, but if you’re interested let me know and I can provide specifics on what I have and the state of the painting and we’ll take it from there.
  • Atari 2600 and games. I have a functioning Atari 2600 system plus a slew of great games, which are fun for some non-emulation retro fun. This kind of listing on eBay runs in the $30 range.
  • Sony DVD player. I re-shuffled some entertainment center components and ended up deciding to use the XBox as the DVD player in the living room. The standalone player it replaced is less than two years old and quite good: I’ve never put anything in it that it wouldn’t play, including Video CDs and weird burned DVDs in funky formats. It isn’t region-free, but it’s probably worth $30 or so. I can get the exact model number and other specs if you need them.
  • I have a copy of Dawn of War and the Winter Assault expansion for PC. I no longer have a PC available to me so they’re kind of useless. Let me know if you want ’em. I’d be willing to simply give these away to someone who wants to pay for shipping since they’re no good to me anymore.

I may have more stuff available once I start cleaning up, but these are the main items I know of right now.

Shark Bit

This season I haven’t talked all that much about the Sharks, despite the fact that I’ve followed them pretty closely all year. Part of it is that they have been oddly inconsistent in some respects. Just when I think they’ve either got it all put together or they seem to have completely fallen apart, they have a game or two that defies the trend. But as the stretch toward the playoffs sets in, it bears examining what they’ve done, what they’re doing and how they might fare in the postseason.

Part of the things I wanted to say are covered by Mark Purdy’s recent Merc column in which he evaluates some of the things the Sharks have been doing lately. He notes that they have been uncomfortably lackluster on home ice, despite being pretty solid on the road. Road wins are good, no doubt, especially since they are unlikely to have home ice advantage come first-round time. But the Tank has typically been the one bright spot for the Sharks even when they are otherwise miserable. And on paper they are anything but miserable this year. But their better record away than at home causes concern because in the playoffs you really have to take advantage of the opportunity that home games represent.

Purdy also mentions how the Sharks potent offense from last year has been less than stellar at times this season. I think it’s a bit unfair to compare the dream stretch that Thornton and Cheechoo had last year with this; as good as both players are, Cheech has always been somewhat streaky and Thornton was hurt early in the year plus he also no longer has the luxury of playing in a conference that isn’t used to seeing him so frequently. Other teams have made appropriate adjustments to both players that has impacted their overall dominance. But it is still hard to ignore that it is no longer reasonable to expect that each shift Thornton steps on the ice will result in at least some sort of offensive opportunity if not a goal.

I do, however, disagree with Purdy’s assessment of Bill Guerin. While unfortunate that he hasn’t contributed tangibly thus far, I think he has provided some interesting sparks to the San Jose offense mostly by putting a welcome end to the pass-and-grind fests that the Sharks fall victim to and just hucking the biscuit at the net when possible. Plus his right-handed orientation has helped noticeably with some of those far side digs along the boards and has helped set up plays that at least give the opponents another look to think about. Assuming he can continue to contribute in ways that may not always show up on the scoresheet, eventually the stats will follow.

But thinking about some of the other changes from last season, I think it is safe to say at this point that adding Mike Grier was about the smartest thing they could have done: The guy is quickly becoming one of my favorites. He reminds me of Mark Smith out there in terms of work ethic only with a lot of talent as well. The only real weakness I see to Grier’s game is his finishing: He gets more breakaways and opportunistic chances than any two other players on the roster but those chances don’t wind up as goals as much as I wish. Maybe Grier’s shot isn’t the best in the world but you have to admire his ability to get into situations where he is testing the opposing goalie.

Another guy I started taking notice of this year is Patrick Rissmiller. He seems to be cut from the same cloth as Smith and Grier (although probably falling more on the Smith end of the spectrum when it comes to raw talent) and it’s fantastic to watch him out there busting his tail on the forecheck, through the neutral zone and all the way back low trying to clear pucks from the defensive end. For all the remarkable talent some of the other guys have out there, it irks me to see guys like Clowe and Pavelski coasting—or worse, standing—around in their own end hoping a puck will fall in front of them.

Which is not to say the Sharks have been slack on defense this year. I’ve been rather impressed all season long with how many pucks aren’t ever even getting to the crease because the whole team seems perfectly willing to block shots coming off of sticks. But where their defensive fortitude has been impressive, their ability to handle the fundamental task of clearing the zone has cost them dozens of points against all year. To some extent I chalk this up to a coaching thing: I think someone has told the forwards to spend too much time swinging sticks into lanes and not enough time telling them to get bodies on dudes. It doesn’t matter how diligently you work to cover passing lanes, if you let the point man stand around up there for thirty seconds without challenging him, eventually he will find a play to make and then you have to start all over again.

I’ve said it about a hundred times but the Sharks have always, always been 200 times better when they play physically than when they try to be cute. I mean, the team was specifically built to be imposing since so many of their players are these massive, yet quick guys but they stand there in the defensive zone and wait for the other team to make a mistake? I don’t get it. When the Sharks have their forecheck down they seem to spend hours in the offensive end because they muscle guys off the puck in the corners and keep it deep where they can use their size to protect until something develops. It stands to reason that if it works on one end of the ice, it ought to at least help on the other end.

Speaking of coaching, another thing that has started driving me nuts is Wilson’s obsession with line juggling. Have the Sharks ever had consistent line combinations this year? It’s not like they’ve been wracked by IR-level injuries this year that have forced the changes, but I guess Wilson doesn’t believe in line chemistry because he never bothers to let it develop. Listen, Ron, it ain’t that tough: Guerin, Thornton, Cheechoo; Michalek, Marleau, Clowe; Bernier, Rissmiller, Grier. See how easy that was?

Going back to some of the changes this year, I think we can all safely say that Mark Bell has been a total bust. Even if you’re content to ignore the DUI hit and run (which I’m not), the previous two years had Bell scoring 20+ goals and 40+ points; this year he has eight goals and fifteen points so far and isn’t likely to go on a big run here to close out the season. He’s never been too hot on the plus/minus side of things (suggesting he’s something of a defensive liability which the Sharks don’t need considering the relative experience level of their defense) but his -11 is the worst on the entire team. Why he made it past the trade deadline I’m not sure but I think I’ll be unhappy if he’s still around next season.

When it comes to the goaltenders, the Sharks’ inconsistencies take a turn for the bizarre. On one hand you have Toskala who, before getting hurt was far and away the better netminder with a 24-9 record. At the same time you have Nabby barely putting a .500 season together and yet he hasn’t been that bad, really. For one thing he has had remarkably limp goal support, and if you ignore the last four games he’s had he was 14-16-1 with four shutouts. In fact, of his sixteen losses this year, nine of them have been by either one goal or one goal against (with another goal into an empty net) which means if the rest of the team had done their jobs even just a little bit, Nabby’s record could easily be 18-12-1 or 19-11-1. Heck, the Sharks lost two games 1-0 with Nabby in the net. There is absolutely no excuse for having your goalie keep the opponent to a single goal and not being able to pick up at least a tie.

Granted, Nabokov has also been responsible for a couple of real stinkers, including the 8-0 loss to Phoenix and the 7-4 loss to Calgary but I wonder if Wilson’s strict every-other-game policy had something to do with it. Look at the last week: Nabby is finally healthy and getting regular starts so what does he do? He goes 3-0-1 with three shutouts and gives up only one goal in twelve regulation periods for a .981 save percentage overall. It’s not a simple situation though because Toskala has been sharp all year. Maybe Vesa works better within the switch-off system than Nabokov does or something, but it also can’t hurt that the Sharks’ offense has given him a little more than four goals per game on average to work with while Nabby gets nearly half that. If the team just flat plays better in front of Toskala, it bears investigation as to why that might be.

In the end the Sharks will likely make the playoffs but their position in the post-season isn’t likely to change very much. Unless they get red hot in a big way and Anaheim falls apart as the season winds down, those ten points with only a single game in hand are going to be tough to make up. The only other team they might look to unseat to get a better playoff berth is Detroit, but the margin to overcome is identical there and the Sharks do not have a game in hand over the Red Wings. Plus, both Detroit and Anaheim are tied for the fewest regulation losses in the entire league so it is likely the Sharks will fall somewhere in the middle of the pack and could face a number of teams including Minnesota, Detroit, Dallas, Vancouver or even Anaheim in the first round.

If nothing else, it ought to be interesting.

To Sleep Is An Act Of Faith

Somehow in the hours between my final grave shift and my first official swing shift a decision was made behind the scenes to not change the schedule. My week concludes with a “grave shift” meeting Wednesday morning and the parting words from my supervisor were something to the effect of “Oh, and we’re not going to change the schedule after all so you’ll just work your regular graves next week.”

That’s all I’m going to say about the work part of it because I risk dangerous territory if I start talking about how that makes me feel and what I think about the way the news was delivered so I’ll neatly sidestep that.

The truth is that my room to complain is narrow because I decided to be all accommodating and easy to get along with during the interview process to try and secure a position at the company. Even since then I’ve exuded this air of nonchalance when questions of scheduling come up. Specific instances of this have typically been followed by a mental self-berating rant but intentions aside, any evaluation of my external demeanor would give no indication of how badly I despise the shift I’m on.

Not that any shift would be much preferable. Day shifts involve making the long commute in heavy traffic, swing shifts clash harshly with Nik’s schedule so we completely—completely—miss each other for several days when I work those hours and then of course there is grave which has me sleeping vampire-style. Schedule-wise the only thing my job has going for it are the ten hour days which affords me enough weekend time to partially make up for the crummy schedules.

As it is I’ve been flip-flopping my schedule from the vampire-like to the regular prey human. This means that once I wake up on Tuesday evening I don’t go back to sleep until around 9:00 Wednesday night when Nik calls it a day. Then on Saturdays I wake up like a normal person at around eight or nine in the morning but then I have to go back to bed late in the afternoon to get enough sleep to carry me through until around noon on Sunday when I finally get home.

The problem with this is twofold: 1) I stay up for at least 24 hours at least once a week and 2) If I don’t get to sleep on Saturday evenings (which isn’t uncommon because I’m rarely all that tired then) it throws me off for the rest of the week. That’s not even taking into account how tweaked it is for me to be sleeping on Saturday afternoon when most people are hanging out or running errands that are harder to handle during the week. This week for instance I wasn’t able to get more than an hour’s sleep Saturday so I dragged through work all night, had a miserable drive home and arrived cranky and only interested in getting to bed.

I don’t really have a solution for any of this nor do I expect sympathy considering my very active role in er, making the bed in which I must now sleep (if ever there were an inappropriate cliche, that was it). I just thought I should complain a bit about it.

And see? I feel a little bit better. Still tired, but better.

Home Alone 4: In Which No One Is Hit By a Frying Pan. Probably.

I guess I’m doing the bachelor thing this week since Nik is out of town until Thursday on a business trip. Normally I’d sort of welcome the opportunity to have the place to myself and shake things up a bit, but I’ve been working this lunatic shift of mine for a couple of months now in which I get home in the middle of the day and have the place to myself for hours, plus my weekends are skewed as well which means my “alone time” is maxed out at the moment so there is no novelty here.

On the bright side the end of the graveyard shifts seems nigh (as soon as next week, if all goes well) so hopefully that will make things a bit easier.

The weirdest thing about the solo living thing is not having anyone to tell my hideously boring this-is-my-life stories to. I know I used to get on ironSoap and write it down; you know, the old “I had Cap’n Crunch for breakfast and then I scratched this little itchy spot on my back” posts. I decided eventually that those were as boring to write as they were to read (ha! I’m joking of course. Put the knife down), but there is still a desire to discuss sometimes mundane things with another human. I think in retrospect it may have been appropriate to include in the wedding vows something about “in sickness and in health and through a bunch of really boring stories about work.”

When I told a guy at work about this week he immediately asked, “What are you doing?” I realize that it may be common for other guys to sort of feel like having the wife out of the house for a week is kind of like “freedom” or “party time” but it never occurred to me that I should “take advantage” of this in any way. I suppose that means I’m not feeling like my style is cramped when she’s around and come to think of it, whatever I end up doing outside of my usual around-the-house stuff like playing video games, messing around online, painting miniatures or reading and watching TV is typically initiated by Nik herself. Or at least facilitated by her. It’s kind of a running joke between HB, Gin, Nik and myself that if you want to know what’s going on, ask HB or Nik because Gin and I are always just along for the ride.

In any case I have no schemes of any sort except that I plan to get all of my boring chores and commitments out of the way today so that starting tomorrow when I get off of work I can sit on the couch and play video games/watch TV uninterrupted for like 48 hours straight. Also, I may order a pizza. Maybe chinese. It depends what I’m in the mood for.

Big plans, big plans.

What’s That Sound In Your Heart?

I know I talk about Heroes a lot. Too much, probably. But Monday’s episode was so fantastic, I cannot help myself.

Note: I make no effort to avoid spoilers either from the episode, online speculation or the previews for upcoming episodes. Stop reading now if you don’t want to know.

  • I love how this show can walk the line between comic book cheese and straight TV drama so effectively. Case in point, the sinister exchange between Dale and Sylar culminating in the line, “What’s that sound in your heart?”


    It could have been devastatingly cornball since it was such a comic book moment, but it worked flawlessly here.

  • At this point I think it is fair to say that we have three main candidates for possible causes of the explosion in NYC: Peter, Sylar and Ted. Despite the constant impression we’re being given that it is Peter, I have a hard time accepting that as reasonable. I still think it will come down to Sylar and my theory gained a little support in this episode when Sylar showed that he may figure out how to acquire other people’s powers, but that doesn’t necessarily ensure that he knows how to control them right away.
  • People pointed to the exchange between Sylar and Mohinder outside the hotel as evidence that Mohinder may have some sort of hero-tracking power that Sylar wants. I completely disagree; the scene was there solely to plant the seeds of doubt into Mohinder as to Sylar’s mental health.
  • I honestly thought for most of the episode that Ando would be the one to die. They seemed to telegraph it from the exchange with the gaming commission guy saying, “You only end up with [a partner’s] blood on your hands.” I doubt we’ve seen the last of him (as someone on a forum said, he has the show’s key product placement in his possession, so he has to be back soon) but in any case I’m glad the side-trip for Hiro is over. It feels like they have been putting a few too many artificial obstacles in front of him lately and I’m anxious for him to get back on track.
  • Speaking of back on track: Parkman’s merry gang of house-crashers was the kind of definitive plot advancement moment that makes this show 200 times better than Lost. In many ways I feel like the writers are using Parkman as an avatar for the audience: When he’s all confused about what the heck is happening, so are we. When he gets frustrated with his inability to make progress, we are too. Now he’s finally had enough and he’s going to get answers one way or the other and we can do nothing but cheer him on. And the pacing for this confrontation is masterful because we just came off of a good episode that followed two ho-hum hours fresh off a break that ended with a slew of developments. We’re ready for this scene now, and Parkman’s our guy.
  • One thing about the exchange between Isaac and HRG that was actually featured in the previews but didn’t sit well with me: Isaac suggests that he’s been painting Peter all along but he’s invisible and HRG immediately calls out Claude. Wait, why would he automatically assume that someone he “thought was dead” was not? Isn’t that the absolute last conclusion you’d draw? My first instinct would be: Hey, there’s someone else out there who can turn invisible now. Occam’s Razor and all, you know? Instead HRG shows a super-power of his own: He seems to know as much as the writers do most of the time.
  • I was very happy that right after they finally started getting somewhere with Niki/Jessica/Micah/DL they gave the storyline a break. I think this might be the first time that plot thread has missed an episode, too. It worked because now I know what is going on with some of the other characters and I’m—gasp!—sort of curious as to what happens next with Niki/Jessica. Well played.
  • Simone’s death was handled perfectly. I didn’t exactly see it coming but it wasn’t like some major story-rending kick in the pants. Which is actually good because as much of an advocate of disposable main characters as I am, it’s too early to knock any of the heroes off just yet. But killing someone who has as much influence on two of the main characters, and in that particular manner, introduces a fantastic dynamic to an already impressively dramatic situation. More kudos.
  • Claire’s confrontation with HRG was equally stunning. Good acting by Hayden Panettiere showing how frustrated she’s gotten that even though she suspects she may not be able to stop the memory loss this time, she has to at least try to make Bennett see reason. And they did a good job of making her sound like an actual teenager who has a legitimate beef with a parent. Usually when kids are shown in TV and movies confronting their parents they come across as more mature than the parent, but here she maintained the child role in the relationship while still making her points crystal clear.
  • I like Hana/Wireless. Interesting power and something that hasn’t been done to death in comic books. Her vendetta against HRG is only explained in the online graphic novels which is a shame because it seems a bit arbitrary that she would show up and know all this stuff without the backstory. Still, let’s hope they keep her around for a bit since there aren’t that many non-dude heroes in the show (especially since we still can’t be sure what to expect from Niki/Jessica at this point).
  • One note to NBC: Work on the marketing of the show a little. The insane level of hyperbole and the apparent need to constantly have some sort of catchphrase is going to get old really, really quick. As in, it was old about halfway through the “Save the Cheerleader, Save the World” campaign. The show is good, you can just advertise it normally and people are going to watch.