One, Two

Brevity: A new direction?

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  • Nintendo announced their new controller earlier this week and it seems it’s a kind of remote-control-style one handed device. Wired has the best overview and pictures. The theory I subscribed to was not entirely incorrect, most reports suggest there is a gyroscopic element in there, but it does not provide centrifugal feedback. In any case the first inclinations may be similar to the DS, namely “Whaaa…?” While I’m still not sold on the DS, I can at least acknowledge that it’s offered some intriguing possibilities to developers. Thus, I’m withholding judgment on this thing until I see what software they bring with it (and they’d better bring it, if you know what I’m sayin’) but it does bear linking that there is an extremely well reasoned piece of exposition which goes a long way to explaining the apparent madness of king Nintendo.
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