Grey and Cold

I went to bed last night no better in mood or disposition than I had been upon my arrival at home from work. My headache had subsided only momentarily and even a relaxing swim in the pool and a tasty root beer float from Jack in the Box hadn’t stopped my mind from wandering to the pending workday and the hassles it would contain. Normally I am not the type to concern myself with work when I am not physically there; this week has been different and it’s lasting effect has been to drain my leisure time of delight. I resent work in general as a result.

This morning came and despite better intentions, I slapped at the snooze alarm several more times than is typical. I dragged through my routine, feeling lethargic and unmotivated, still plagued by the nagging headache. My inevitable tardiness, a product of succumbing to my doldrums, did little to lift my spirits. As anticipated, the load of work that stood before me was daunting and I felt the throbbing in my forehead intensify several levels as I reviewed it. I had run over a piece of construction equipment on the ride over, so I retreated from my cube to examine my car for tire/body damage. While the car seemed okay the inspection process made my head worse and I realized almost simultaneously that I had left my keys inside on my desk and I had forgotten to bring anything to eat for breakfast (nor had I eaten at home because of my belated and last-minute dash to compensate for my sluggish morning preparations).

Walking the long way round to the front of the building my shoes got wet in the freshly watered grass and by the time I returned to my workspace I was so close to confronting my boss and requesting the day off I had my Windows PC powered off.

Then, I saw this.


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